How to make Coto Makassar ( Culinary of Makassar )

 Coto Makassar    COTO MAKASSAR  

Coto Makassar is one of the typical cuisine of South Sulawesi, in the city of Makassar. These foods include regional culinary highly recommended for mothers to try at home. Unlike the usual soup, Coto Makassar using broth enriched rice water and peanut powder that makes it more viscous Coto sauce, savory and obviously very good.

Another distinctive feature of Coto Makassar is the use of beef and offal are boiled in a long time, so that it becomes soft and delicious. The addition of rice water also makes the meat is no longer fishy.

Coto dear includes a bit difficult to find. Somehow not many roadside food vendors who sell this menu. Now for the Mother who miss or just have not ever tasted, and was curious to try, here is a recipe Coto Makassar original and tasty.

• 500 gram beef
• 500 gram tripe, boiled (if you do not like can be replaced meat 500 grams)
• 200 gram beef heart, boiled mating
• 300 gram beef liver, boiled
• 250-300 grams fried peanuts + mashed smooth, remove the skin
• 6 tbsp vegetable oil
• 5 bay leaves
• 5 cm ginger mashed
• 5 lemongrass puree (blender)
• 4 cm segment of galangal puree (Blender)
• 3 tablespoons cooking oil for sauteing
• 2.5 liter rice water (wash water 3rd)
• 1 tablespoon seasoning veal flavor bouillon powde

Softened seasoning:
• 10 cloves of garlic
• 2 pieces of roasted hazelnut
• 1 tsp toasted cumin
• 1 tbsp toasted coriander
• 1 tsp pepper grains
• salt to taste

Supplementary material:
• sliced ​​scallions
• fried onion
• sliced ​​celery stalks

Materials tauco sauce (puree):
• 100 GRM tauco
• 10 curly red chili, boiled briefly
• 10 shallots
• 5 cloves garlic

Stir-fry sauce ingredients with 6 tablespoons vegetable oil until cooked, puree add salt + brown sugar to taste.

How to make:
1. Boil the beef and offal other uses rice water all 3 already clean. Enter also galangal and lemongrass that has been refined, bay leaves and ginger. Boil the meat until tender, then lift and potong2 dice. Set aside.
2. Heat a little oil in a skillet. Stir-fry until fragrant spices, and add to the meat before cooking water and add a subtle roasted peanuts plus bouillon powder. Boil until boiling.
3. Prepare a bowl and fill with meat plus offal. Pour the broth and give a sprinkling of celery, chopped green onions plus fried onions.

Coto Makassar is already finished and ready to eat. Serve with the diamond, cake or warm rice.

A few of my article on How to make Coto Makassar. I hope this article can be useful for you all. Do not forget to share with friends, friends and family! So much from me and thank you :)


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