Distribution and Human Development Indonesia

Distribution and Human Development Indonesia

 Distribution and Human Development Indonesia

According to historians after the extinction of the human kind Meganthropus Paleojavancius, Pithecantropus, and Homo Sapiens, the Indonesian archipelago was inhabited by humans from Austro melanesoid race. It is uncertain whether they are natives or newcomers. Based on the similarity of artifacts mesolothikum used with artifacts Bocsin-Hoabinh could be assumed that they came from the Gulf of Tonkin (Bocson-Hoabinh is located in the Gulf of Tonkin). The process of the arrival of the ancestors of Indonesia are as follows: 

1. The arrival of Proto Malays Nation

Around 2000 BC, the inhabitants of the Malay race Austronesian of the Gulf of Tonkin immigrated to the islands of Indonesia. They are commonly called Proto-Malays or Malay nation old. Their arrival was urged residents of the race Austro melanesoid to deepen, even to the eastern part of Indonesia. The race became the ancestors of the people of Papua now.
Entering the Indonesian Islands, United Proto Malays take two paths in accordance with the type of culture brought namely:
  1. The first path spread to Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. Proto-Malay communities that have brought culture seeked neolithikum hatchet shaped form. That is why, in the eastern part Indonesiabanyak artifacts neolithikum hatchet shaped form. Proto-Malay descent, among others Torajanese.
  2. The second track spread to Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. Proto Melayuu community that brings culture seeked neolithikum form of a square pickaxe. That is why in the western part of Indonesia, many artifacts neolithikum the form of a square pickaxe. Proto-Malay descent, among others Batak, Nias, Dayak, and Sasak.

2. Proto-Malays or Malay Parents also have the characteristics such as:

  •  They came from southern China (Yunnan) and into Indonesia circa 1500-500 BC
  •  Having a young rock culture (Neolithic)
  •  People - the nation Proto-Malays have straight hair, brownish yellow skin and slanted eyes.
  •  Inhabit the area - Eastern Indonesia region, such as the Dayak, Toraja, Mentawai, Nias and Papua

3. Arrival Deutro Malay Nation

Around 500 BC, came another wave of migration of Austronesian Malay race of the Gulf of Tonkin to the islands of Indonesia. They are commonly called Deutro Malay or Malay Young. Their arrival descendants of Proto Malays urged residents who had previously settled.
Upon entering the Indonesian archipelago, the Malay community Deutro later spread along the coast. There were also among those who go into depth. Deuto Malay descent, among others, community Minang, Javanese and Bugis.
Deutro Malay community to bring kebudaayan bronze known as Dong Son culture. Dongson is the name of a place in the Gulf of Tonkin place of origin of bronze culture in Southeast Asia. Bronze artifacts found in Indonesia is almost the same as from the Dong Son bronze artifacts.

4. Deutro Melayu or Malay Young also has characteristics such as:

  •  They come from the nation's northern Indochina to Indonesia around 500 BC.
  •  This nation has been able to make objects - objects made of metal, such as bronze and iron.
  •  Results - cultural products produced in the form ax funnel, nekara, bronze vessels.
  •  The Malays, Makassar, Javanese, Sundanese, Bugis, Minang, etc. These are the descendants of native peoples.

A few information about Distribution and Human Development Indonesia. Hopefully the information I would provide helpful and I thank you very much.

Visit also : http://theofransiscoartickle.blogspot.co.id/2016/02/what-is-hiv.html


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