Early birth rate bugis

Bugis are the tribes that belong to the Deutero Malay tribes. Into the archipelago after the first wave of migration from mainland Asia rather Yunan. The word "Bugis" comes from the word Ugi, which means the Bugis. Naming "Ugi" refers to the first king of the Chinese empire contained in Pammana, Wajo today, namely La Sattumpugi. When the people of La Sattumpugi named themselves, they refer to their king. They called him as Ugi or people or followers of La Sattumpugi. He is the father of Sattumpugi We Cudai and brothers with Batara Lattu, father of Sawerigading. Sawerigading himself is the husband of We Cudai and gave birth to several children, including La Galigo who made the greatest literature in the world with approximately 9,000 folio pages. Sawerigading Opunna Ware (lordship in Ware) is a story set in the literature I La Galigo in the tradition of the Bugis community. Stories Sawerigading also known in the community tradition Luwuk, Kaili, Gorontalo and several other traditions such as the Buton in Sulawesi.

Ancient Bugis people think their ancestors were natives who had visited a direct incarnation of the "upper world" is "down" (Manurung) or from the "underworld" of "riding" (Tompo) to bring the norms and social rules to earth (Pelras The Bugis, 2006) .;

Generally Bugis people are believed to things to Manurung, not a lot of disagreement about this history. So that every person who is an ethnic Bugis, of knowing the origin of the existence of the community .;

Bugis are the tribes that upholds the self-esteem and dignity. This tribe is very avoid actions that lead to lower self-esteem or a person's dignity. If a family member perform actions that bring shame to the family, then he would be expelled or killed. However, this tradition has faded nowadays. No more families who can kill his family members just because they do not want to bear the shame and would violate the law. While indigenous shame still upheld by the Bugis community most. Although not as tight as before, but at least still remembered and respected .;

One of the areas inhabited by the Bugis is Sidenreng Rappang. Sidenreng Rappang Sidrap abbreviated name is one of the districts in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The capital of the district is located in Pangkajene Sidenreng. This district has an area of ​​2506.19 km2 and a population of approximately 264 955 inhabitants. The original inhabitants of this area is the Bugis who obediently worship and adhere to the tradition of mutual respect and mutual help. Everywhere can be easily found mosque great and permanent. But there are areas where there is still an idol belief commonly called 'Tau Lautang' which means 'Southerners'. These people worshiped idols in a day in a cave or a mountain or a sacred tree. But, in KTP (Identity Card) their stated religion is Hinduism. They claim to pray 5 times a day, fasting, and tithing. When in reality they still embrace animism in their area. Currently, the adherents of this belief Amparita many living in the area, one of the districts in Sidrap .;

Sidrap lived a scholar Bugis People are quite famous at the time Addatuang Sidenreng and Addatuang Rappang (Addatuang = sort of district administration in the past) called Grandma Mallomo '. He did not come from among the royal family, but the cleverness in the legal order of state and government made his name quite famous. A legal order is still enshrined in Sidenreng namely: Naiya Ade'e De'nakkeambo, de'to nakkeana. (Translation: ADAT actually it does not know the Father and the Son do not know). The wise words issued Mallomo Grandma 'when summoned by the King to decide the punishment to Grandma Mallomo son who stole the neighbors plow equipment fields. In Lontara 'La Toa, Grandma Mallomo' commensurate with the figures of Bugis-Makassar, such as I Lagaligo, Puang Rimaggalatung, Kajao Laliddo, and so forth. The success of the rice harvest in Sidenreng for firmness Grandma Mallomo 'in carrying out the law, it is seen in the local culture in determining the planting period through consultation called Tudang Sipulung (Tudang = Sit, Sipulung = Gathered or can be translated as Great Council), which was attended by the Pallontara '(experts on book Lontara') and indigenous community leaders. Seeing the success of Tudang Sipulung which was originally initiated by the Regent, Mr. Colonel Arifin Nu'mang before 1980, other areas were already implementing them.


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